Calvin Updates


  • I haven’t exercise consistently for the last two weeks. First I was in Washington, then I was catching up to the (minor) timezone change, and then I was too busy. The good news is I did manage to get up early and exercise the last three days.


  • Potty training is going extremely well at the moment. During our trip, I only put him in diapers for naps and nighttime. The last couple days of the trip, including our flight home, he didn’t have any accidents. He’s been doing fairly well at daycare too.
  • Jaeger’s mom and sister were here over the weekend for a wedding. They had lots of fun playing with Calvin who, of course, greatly enjoyed the extra attention.
  • Finished listening to A Civil Campaign, by Bujold, which I found to be a lot of fun. I’ve started listening to One was a Soldier by Spencer Fleming. The Clare Fergusson mystery series is very good but much more serious than the Bujold book. I’m also reading The Red Wolf Conspiracy, by Redick, for book club. It took me several chapters to get into it but I was hooked once I met Thasha. I’m trying to decide whether Jaeger’s dislike for fantasy will outweigh his enjoyment of naval fiction :-)

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin is talking in multiple complete sentences every day. His single words are still very unintelligible but his saying whole sentences help interpret meaning better. However, he has a very annoying habit of pointing at some random thing and saying, “this! this! this!” either when he wants it or he wants to know the word for it. Then I have to get down at his eye level and try to guess where his finger is pointing.
  • Not surprisingly, Calvin is having a lot of fun playing in the water with the hotter weather (he probably wouldn’t require the hotter weather to play in water but wasn’t given the option before). I’m hoping the herbs I planted last week don’t die from him over-watering.
  • Everything is “mine, mine, mine” now. This has been coming on for a while but it’s very prevalent now. We’re planning to go camping this weekend and I went to REI to buy a sleeping bag for him today. He was SO excited when I told him this was HIS sleeping bag. Once we got home he insisted on me zipping him up in it even though it was around 80 degrees in the house. He also shoved all of his favorites toys in it.


  • Shredded a whole bunch of junk mail that had been piling up. Sometimes I feel like Sisyphus. The shredding never ends . . .