Another Breakfast

During the last Megafest I made Corn Meal Griddle Cakes. Traditionally, my familiy tops Corn Cakes with honey. However, Nemo mentioned that he thought this would go well with some savory toppings also. I forgot about this conversation until a couple of days ago when I was wandering around my recipe wiki looking for breakfast ideas for today. I stumbled across the recipe for Balkins Breakfast which the Logans had introduced me to.

Last week, I had made corn cakes for myself and froze the extras. As I was looking at the Balkins Breakfast recipe, it ocurred to me that I could use the corn cakes in place of the cornbread in this recipe. However, one of the key ingredients in this recipe is egg. I’m not a big fan of eggs unless they’re hidden in a bread and/or dessert. I started thinking about what I could replace the egg with and the obvious answer was black beans. Thinking a little longer, I decided that since this was a savory recipe, I might as well add some vegetables too it. Suddenly, the recipe was looking less like Balkins Breakfast and more like my Cuban Black Bean recipe.

Today I tried out my experiment and created a new recipe: Corn Meal Griddle Cakes with Cuban Black Beans. Jaeger refused to try it (he had already eaten breakfast anyway in preparation for another death march). However, I thought it tasted pretty good. I think I’ll probably try it out at the next Fest and see what everyone thinks.

Last night, I also got a craving for homemade applesauce. I looked at a couple of applesauce recipes but no one recipe seemed quite right. So, I combined a couple of recipes together to come up with Chunky Applesauce with Raisins.

Altogether, I felt it was a pretty good breakfast. My breakfast ended up being 495 calories (the official Corn Meal Griddle Cake with Cuban Black Bean recipe has fewer beans than I put on my serving). 11% of the calories came from protein, 71% from carbs and 18% from fat.