- Took Calvin to the doctor today and she thinks he has a mild form of RSV. He has some wheezing but doesn’t appear to be struggling to breathe. Calvin started exhibiting symptoms of a cold on Sunday and the doctor said it usually peaks around day 4 so if we’re lucky, he should be on the downhill side. We’re suppose to watch him and call immediately if we see any dubious signs.
- Because Calvin is officially sick, I couldn’t take him to daycare today. In the past, taking care of Calvin when he’s sick was much like an endurance race. It was always a toss-up whether Calvin or the assigned parent would drop first. Fortunately, Calvin was in an incredibly good mood today. He’s technically sick but apparently wasn’t ever told he was suppose to act sick. He happily crawled, cruised, and walked (holding my hands) around the house all afternoon. He also went down for an afternoon nap with almost no fussing so I was able to get about 2 hrs of work done. Jaeger is going to take care of Calvin tomorrow morning and I will take the afternoon shift. Hopefully it goes as good tomorrow as it did today.
- During Calvin’s morning nap and before I took him to the doctor, I managed to clean house. I can’t believe how much I got done today with Calvin home. He’s definitely getting much easier to take care of than he use to be.
Cute Calvin Moment
- Today Calvin learned to feed himself cheerios! We’ve been feeding him cheerios for several weeks now. However, up to this point, he’d always open his little mouth and look at us hopefully indicating we should put a cheerio on his tongue. Today, Calvin grabbed a cheerio and miraculously managed to insert it into his mouth. Currently, he only gets about 25% of the cheerios he attempts into his mouth. The rest either end up in the high chair seat or on the floor. However, it’s a very promising start. Emboldened by this new skill, I also encouraged him to try to eat peas and chopped up bananas. I think some ended up in his mouth but I’m not entirely sure.
- Packed up Calvin’s 3-6 month clothing and printed beautiful labels for the boxes.