

  • Calvin has been cranky the last couple of days. Yesterday, he bit a kid at daycare. I think it’s because he’s teething, not because he was malicious, and daycare agrees. Hopefully we’re correct.


  • The church sponsored a zoo trip on Saturday. Calvin eats at 11 so we fed him his lunch and then let him take his nap on the way to the zoo. Once there, Jaeger and I ate our picnic lunch and then we gathered at the entrance to meet up with everyone else. Once the tickets were handed out most people dispersed. Calvin enjoyed the zoo more this time than the last time we were there in May. He was especially excited when we were able to get a very close view of a mother tiger roughhousing with her cubs. He also liked watching the spider monkeys swinging around their cage.

Calvin Moment

  • Recently Calvin become enamored with playing “catch.” He’ll toss the ball a short ways and then is delighted when someone throws it back to him. He does a relatively good job catching the small soft balls we have.


  • Found about 6 gallons worth of frozen vegetables, mostly cabbage, in the freezer. This is from back when we were part of a CSA. I like the idea of a CSA but we really don’t like cabbage and we got a lot of it. I froze the cabbage in hopes of finding something to do with it later. However, it’s been a couple of years and is getting freezer burn so I decided it was time to throw it away.