Twitter: December 8


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2009 8:28 AM
Calvin is being very vocal today.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2009 9:09 AM
Calvin is enjoying mango and pear for breakfast today.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2009 9:10 AM
Is it bad that I save for “fun” food for breakfast and make Calvin eat his veggies at lunch when daycare feeds him?

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2009 9:11 AM
My excuse is they have more practice feeding babies :)

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2009 10:15 AM
Calvin found the trash can while I was showering today :S Normally I put it up on the counter but today I forgot.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2009 5:17 PM
Running off to pick up Calvin from daycare.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2009 5:38 PM
My daycare pea experiment failed. Daycare reports “Calvin did not like the texture.”

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2009 8:53 PM
Back from HOA meeting.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2010 1:14 PM
Never a good sign when the roofing company tells you to “pray for a hail storm.”

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2010 1:15 PM
(This is so instead of getting “nickel and dimed” the insurance covers the majority of costs for a complete roof replacement.)

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2010 5:13 PM
From daycare: “Calvin did great recognizing animals during our song today!”

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2010 5:20 PM
From daycare yesterday: “Calvin really enjoyed singing Jingle Bells at circle time today!”

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2010 5:52 PM
Calvin loves the banana bran muffins I made.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2011 5:44 PM
From daycare, “Calvin enjoyed doing yoga.”


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2015 6:06 PM
Julian is pushing Calvin on the truck.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2017 8:23 PM
I’m still coughing terribly. However, Calvin does an excellent job reading bedtime stories to Julian.
Calvin and Julian sitting on an unmade queen bed. Calvin is reading while Julian is looking at the pages.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2019 2:37 PM
Calvin and I just got back from a 6 mile hike in Discovery Park and everyone appears to have survived!


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2020 11:54 AM
I’m putting up Christmas lights outside in 70+ degree weather and it’s just wrong.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Dec 8, 2020 4:40 PM
I want a double oven.