Twitter: July 22


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2009 8:20 AM
We went to the library last night but didn’t get any books for Calvin. What were we thinking!?

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2009 8:20 AM
Now it’s time for tummy time again while I eat breakfast.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2009 8:25 AM
I think Calvin has started to take an interest in the cats. He follows them around with his eyes when they walk in front of him.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2009 8:51 AM
Calvin’s playing with his activity link gym again. I think we need to find more toys for him to play with.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2009 10:13 AM
Calvins up from his nap and appears to enjoy the “Jittery Pals” someone gave us as a present.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2009 6:41 PM
We’ve been sitting under the tree in our front yard for the past hour. Calvin is still enthralled by trees.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2009 6:31 PM
Calvin also just this night started to get excited by peekaboo. He was giggling in response to seeing my face which I think it a first.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2010 7:40 AM
Feel better than yesterday but still not 100%. @calvinsdad is taking Calvin to daycare for the day.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2010 10:37 AM
I think I should eat something but I’m not sure what.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2010 5:56 PM
Calvin appears to like lentil soup, particularly the pasta and tomatoes.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2010 6:09 PM
I think I see another tooth coming in.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2010 7:38 PM
From daycare yesterday: “Calvin enjoyed playing in the ball pit with all of the balls today!”

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2010 7:38 PM
From daycare today: “Calvin made an awesome picture with crayons today!”


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2011 10:38 AM
Willow survived her teeth cleaning and will be ready to go home early around 2ish.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2011 6:22 PM
Calvin appears to be offended that beets can be a different color than red.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2011 7:50 PM
From daycare: “Calvin enjoyed Friday friends.”


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2012 12:37 PM
Calvin’s first official play-date appears to have been a success.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2017 11:41 AM
We’re at the Wave Organ.

Julian, shaded by a sun hat, sits on top of concrete blocks.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2017 11:46 AM
Toddler Julian attempts to push a very large rectangular concrete block.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2017 5:49 AM
It might be time for another pilgrimage to Sunnyvale.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2018 10:26 AM
Ok . . . Willow has escaped outside.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2018 10:27 AM
She had been retrieved.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2019 8:28 PM
For those that are wondering, yes I’m still alive. My goal of relaxing appears to be successful. I’ve read a book, attended a cooking demo, took a nap, and relaxed in the therapy hot tub.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2019 8:30 PM
(There was also good.) Now waiting for what I think is some sort of dance performance.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2019 8:32 PM
Tomorrow we arrive at Juneau.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2019 8:37 PM
Hm, now I’m contemplating the technical challenges of dancing when the shipping is rocking. Not much, but it must make complicated moves even trickier.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2019 9:22 PM
I had every intention of bringing my (@calvinsdad’s) binoculars on my evening walk. I forgot and once again there are whales.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 23, 2019 7:24 AM
I’m remembering the binoculars today so there probably won’t be any whales.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 22, 2022 11:36 AM
We made it to Washington!