Twitter: August 26


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2009 6:03 AM
Calvin usually wake himself up by coughing but this morning it seems like he coughed more than usual.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2009 8:04 AM
Grandma and Calvin are off for a walk while I work on money.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2009 9:54 AM
Since yesterday, Calvin seems to be rolling over to his side more and more.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2009 10:33 AM
Grandma is giving Calvin a bath. He’s having *great* fun. About half the kitchen has been splashed by his energetic arms and legs.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2010 6:15 AM
Calvin is throwing a fit because I won’t give him a big person spoon to eat with.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2010 6:42 AM
Calvin has been insisting that I hold him constantly this morning. It makes getting anything done very tricky.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2010 2:41 PM
When I heard contended silence I should have realized Calvin had dumped over the recycle bin and was plan in it.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2010 5:18 PM
Calvin at a reasonable amount of Mizidra for supper.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2011 6:35 AM
Calvin didn’t want to go to sleep again last night. I’m letting him sleep in just a couple of minutes.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2011 3:30 PM
From daycare: “Calvin liked playing “who’s missing.”

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2011 3:30 PM
In other news, he didn’t take a nap so maybe he’ll go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight . . .

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2011 3:32 PM
I have my new phone and T-mobile transferred my old account to it without any problems :)


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Aug 26, 2017 10:01 AM
I made Finnish Cardamom Rolls today:
They taste very similar to what we had in Finland.