Twitter: July 29


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2009 10:28 AM
It’s a wonderful cloudy day in Colorado. Perfect weather for our morning walk.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2009 2:57 PM
It took 40 minutes after I lost my internet connection for Qwest to realize that it was their problem. Happily, I’m back online now.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2010 7:36 AM
Calvin woke up at 6:30 so we went out for a quick walk before breakfast.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2010 3:34 PM
It’s raining really hard here at the moment.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2010 3:35 PM
From daycare: “Calvin enjoyed jumping in the pillow pit today :)”

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2010 3:40 PM
I love watching storms :)

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2010 5:30 PM
Calvin was very hyper this afternoon.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2010 5:30 PM
I just saw Calvin use the shape sorter correctly.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2010 6:11 PM
Calvin and I are having a green meal: broccoli, spinach ravioli, and kiwi.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2010 8:02 PM
Calvin appears to be weaning himself from his nighttime bottle.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2010 8:16 PM
42 items on the hold shelf at CVR. How much does the staff hate me?

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2010 9:28 PM
Ok, finally finished preparing for work tomorrow.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2011 8:51 AM
Whew, finally got Calvin off to daycare. Breakfast did not go well this morning.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2011 2:53 PM
From daycare yesterday: “Calvin had fun dancing today”

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2011 2:53 PM
From daycare today: “Calvin liked playing bowling”

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2011 2:53 PM
In other news, this is the 2nd day in a row he hasn’t taken a nap at daycare.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2011 4:27 PM
It’s 80 degrees in the house and Calvin just insisted I put his green fleece on him. He must be related to my mother.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2012 10:37 AM
Calvin,”I want chocolate [for snack]” Me,”No, chocolate isn’t an appropriate snack.” Calvin,”I wasn’t talking about an appropriate snack.”


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2013 7:01 PM
Ended up buying 14 children’s books and 2 Lego sets at the thrift store today.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2013 8:08 PM
I’ve decided it’s time to weed the board books. Kind of sad though.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2013 8:15 PM
Since keeping track of discards in LibraryThing, I’ve discarded 288 books. Though, we still own 1127.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2013 8:15 PM
It just seems wrong to discard but “books are for use” and someone else can use them more than us now.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2013 8:59 PM
@calvinsdad I don’t think buying more books is going to be a problem. Shelf space. Now that could be a problem.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2016 5:34 PM
Oh look, another molar. This explains the last couple of nights.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2017 9:44 AM
Julian has reached the stage where he seriously paged through picture books and “reads” the story.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2017 7:21 PM
The Roomba is really outdoing itself tonight in getting stuck.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2018 11:32 AM
I can’t figure out what this “Seattle Freeze” is about. First, one neighbor randomly gives Julian a picture book and now another gives tomatoes from his garden.


Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2019 8:12 PM
I made rhubarb cherry sorbet today: 12 oz rhubarb cooked in 2/3 cup water and 1 cup sugar. When soft, puree with 10 oz frozen (unsweetend) pie cherries and freeze in ice cream maker.

Kiesa @spreadsheetmom Jul 29, 2019 8:13 PM
Probably could have gotten away with 3/4 cup sugar instead of 1 cup.