

  • Calvin was a little cranky today but nowhere near as bad as the last couple of days.


  • I got everything done I had scheduled today. Calvin took a long nap which helped (and also immensely improved his mood :-) ).
  • I managed to stick to my food plan today. The problem with working from home is any time I get a little hungry, I can just wander to the kitchen and eat something. Today I allowed myself one piece of candy for lunch and 2 for supper. By mid-afternoon, I was craving more but managed to distract myself. One might think that the obvious solution would be to not have candy in the house. However, if I don’t indulge my sweet tooth a little bit, I go crazy the next time I have the option. Plus, I tend to eat the strangest things, like raw sugar, if I can’t find anything else.

Cute Calvin Moment

  • Now that Calvin can crawl out of his bouncy seat, I’ve been putting him in his crib while I get his night time bath ready. Tonight I put him in his crib and then went into the bathroom to get everything ready. I heard a ruckus from the bedroom and peaked in to see what was happening. Calvin doing laps in his crib. He would rapidly crawl to one side of the crib, stand up and then throw himself down into the middle of the crib which would then bounce a little bit. The crib wasn’t bouncing a huge amount as they aren’t really designed to bounce but Calvin managed. He would then rush to the other side of the crib and repeat. Calvin was cackling the entire time he raced back and forth. It reminded me of TJ when he would get hyper.
  • During bath time, Calvin practiced standing without any support. He would pull himself into a standing position by using the edge of the tub. Then he’d let go, hold his arms out to the side for a moment while he stood, and then lose his balance and sit down in the tub. He didn’t appear to be having much fun doing this but he kept doing it over and over again.


  • Cleaned out part of Calvin’s closet. I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with the leftover newborn disposable diapers. I finally decided it would make sense to pack them with the 0-3 month clothing.