- Calvin’s still pretty fussy. Also, when I brought him home from daycare, I noticed he was wheezing. Called the doctor and they said if I thought he wasn’t getting enough oxygen to go to urgent care, otherwise make an appointment tomorrow. It seemed particularly bad right after he was outside in the cold air. By bath time, the wheezing was still there but was much less prevalent so I decided I could wait to see how he’s doing tomorrow.
- Today was our district’s benefit meeting that every staff member is required to go to. Since I get almost everything from Jaeger, it would typically be a huge waste of my time . However, IT needed to work on my computer so I scheduled it during the benefits meeting. At least that way my computer was working even if I wasn’t and I wouldn’t have to go without my it later
- Discovered that Carbon Valley now has a subscription of Vegetarian Times. The library allows patrons to check out all but the newest issue so I picked up the January issue to browse at home (the February issue is already out).
- I just ordered a Beca Baby Carrier for Calvin. Up till now, I’ve been using the Baby Bjorn. However, Calvin has almost outgrown it but still shows sign of wanting to be carried everywhere. Sometimes carrying him is the only thing that will calm him down. The Beca is rated till 45 lbs at which point he’s just going to have to learn how to walk.
Cute Calvin Moment
- He’s been cranky enough recently that it’s hard to think of any particularly cute he did. However, we did have a fairly pleasant 1/2 hr after his morning nap. He continues to work on standing unaided for seconds at a time.
- Continued working on Calvin’s closet.