Piano Playing


  • I play for church tomorrow. Pre-Calvin era this usually meant I picked my music two weeks ahead of time and then practiced the week before several hours every night. Now, I have to pick my music at least a month ahead and practice for a couple of minutes at a time. This doesn’t produce the best results. In addition, I have to find someone to watch Calvin while I play. Usually this isn’t particularly hard to find available people but it means I have to call them and I hate using the phone. This week I only found someone to take care of him during Sabbath School so I’m going to show up tomorrow and hope for the best.


  • The weather outside has been very nice the last couple of days which makes it much easier to keep Calvin entertained.

Calvin Moment

  • Yesterday at the park Calvin met a 3-year-old boy that had a bucket. The boy was putting bark chips in the bucket and Calvin thought this was a great idea so he did the same. I was afraid that the 3-year-old would object to a baby playing with his toy but instead he seemed delighted and made a point of showing Calvin how to do useful things like dump the bucket of bark chips onto the slide. They had fun for quite a few minutes until Calvin decided it was time to wander off in search of more excitement.


  • Shredded grocery receipts from 2007.

Food Diary

  • Oatmeal with Blackberries
  • Lunch – A wrap with vegetables and hummus with Cherries and a piece of chocolate
  • Dinner – Bean burrito and 1/2 a small mango
  • After dinner treat – 4 pieces of chocolate

Mom’s Visit


  • N/A


  • As I mentioned before, my mom was here for the last week. I just took her to the airport this afternoon. It was great having her here. She let me do lots of things that are tricky with a toddler like go thrift store shopping. I hope I now have enough summer clothes to avoid having to venture into a clothing store again this season. Also, we found a Stride Rite Outlet near us and got Calvin a new pair of shoes for a very good deal.

Calvin Moment

  • On the way home from the airport Calvin was a little cranky. I was listened to Marketplace Money trying to ignore the whining in the back. At one point, Marketplace Money had a little musical interlude and Calvin started clapping his hands. So, I decided that maybe he would enjoy listening to music more than boring adults talking. I switched my iPod to shuffle mode and it started out with a BT song that had a pretty heavy beat. Calvin stopped whining and when I looked back in the rear-view mirror I saw that he was clapping his hands and bobbing his head. Maybe he’s not going to be a classical musician . . .


  • Cleaned out the cabinet in Calvin’s bathroom and got rid of a lot of junk.

Food Diary

  • Oatmeal with Blackberries
  • Lunch – Toasted cheese sandwich and 2 dark chocolate pieces
  • Dinner – Baked potato with butter and cheese, braised tofu, and broccoli
  • After dinner treat – 4 pieces of chocolate


Calvin had his first visit to the zoo today. Jaeger and I had been thinking of taking him for a while but our Sundays are so hectic it never seemed like a good time. So, I took this opportunity to recruit Grandma to go to the zoo with Calvin and I while Jaeger stayed home to do useful things and pack for his trip to San Diego.

We didn’t end up leaving the house till around 10am. On the way to the zoo Calvin took a nap. By the time we found parking at the zoo it was close to 11. This is normally Calvin’s lunch time but he had a big snack (his morning snack was the same time as our breakfast so he got goodies from our plate) so I figured we could probably delay feeding him lunch. We wandered around the zoo and Calvin had lots of fun watching everything, particularly the other children.

We wandered over to the rhinoceros exhibit and I put Calvin on top of my shoulders so he could watch the animal keepers attempt to heard the rhinoceros toward the scale they were trying to weigh him on. Calvin seemed to enjoy himself and clapped several times during the process. Next, we wandered by the the birds. Calvin didn’t seem particularly impressed by them but did enjoy wandering in/out of the bird house. I think it was the contrast between the bright outside and the dim inside.

We planned to go see the monkeys next but got sidetracked by the pachyderm inside exhibit. We saw George, the rhinoceros previously being weighed, but nothing else was inside. However, Calvin became entranced by the netted rope lining used to prevent children from getting too close to the exhibits. As we were getting ready to leave, we heard some loud banging on one of the elephant doors. Calvin thought this noise was the best thing ever. He started bouncing up and down and giggling. Then he’d run a couple of steps closer to the noise and bounce and giggle again. After a couple of minutes, some elephants came in and Calvin had fun examining them but seemed to become bored after determining they weren’t going to make any more noises.

On our way to the monkey exhibits we found a shaded bench so stopped and fed Calvin his lunch. Kitty-corner to our location was a brown bear exhibit with two very active bears. There was a large crowd of people around the bears so I couldn’t see everything well but based on comments I heard it sounded like the bears might be mating. By the time I could stand up and take a look, one bear was chasing the other with occasional swipes being made.

Calvin’s favorite exhibit was probably one that had some monkeys with very long tales and an anteater. Calvin would laugh every time the monkeys used their tales to do something like hang on to a branch.

For most our our visit Calvin either walked while holding onto my hand, I carried him in my arms, or he rode in the BOB stroller. We decided that Calvin needed a break when I set him down to walk and he collapsed on the ground and started crying. Once we put him in the stroller, he seemed fine. So, mom and I decided it was time for us to get lunch. We went to the main food building and got acceptable bean burritos. After we finished them, Calvin still seemed wiped so we decided it was time to leave the zoo.

Mom’s suitcase is starting to tear apart so we decided to go to the Colorado Mills outlets since there is a Samsonite outlet there. Calvin slept most of our way over there. Mom wasn’t inspired by the choices so we left without making any purchases. On our way out we passed a restaurant that was playing some music with a very pronounced beat. Calvin stopped walking and started bouncing up and down in time to the music. I guess that must be his version of dancing. After a couple of minutes he moved forward a few steps only to stop and start bouncing again. It was very amusing to watch.

We got back around home around 4:30, just in time for Jaeger to finish his lasts bits of laundry/packing. Jaeger and I went out to eat Sushi, which was very good, before he headed out to the airport. Jaeger flies into San Diego tonight and then will fly back home late tomorrow night.

Potluck Preparations


  • N/A


  • It was great to have mom here today as I had to make stuff for potluck tomorrow. Boulder Church has “potluck teams” and each team does potluck 2 times a year. This means they set up the tables/chairs for potluck as well as bring extra food. When I had Calvin, I resigned from the potluck team I had been on but another team leader asked if I would be willing to be on her team and just make extra food. This seemed a reasonable compromise so I agreed. I got my two main dishes made this afternoon and just have to put the finishing touches on my dessert this evening.

Calvin Moment

  • It appears that Calvin might know what the word “outside” means. I don’t remember exactly what I was saying but I was talking to mom about Calvin and the outside. Calvin stopped what he was playing with and immediately walked over to the sliding glass door and started fussing to be let out. It could have been coincidence but I don’t think so.


  • Delegated a couple of CDs to the thrift store bin.

Food Diary

  • Oatmeal with Blackberries
  • Lunch – Toasted cheese sandwich and 2 dark chocolate pieces
  • Dinner – Garbanzo Pot Pie, Broccoli, and garlic bread
  • After dinner treat – Chocolate Mint Squares (I need to test them before taking them to potluck tomorrow ;-) )

Grandma Visits


  • N/A


  • Calvin has been in a good mood much of the last couple of days. I really hope it lasts.
  • My mom is here for about a week. Naturally, Calvin is loving having another person pay attention to him.

Calvin Moment

  • We went to Kanemoto Park this morning. Unfortunately, I hadn’t thought to bring a towell and the slides all had puddles at the bottom. I used a blanket to wipe off one of the slides and Calvin had fun sliding down it. While we were at the park, I gave him a couple of graham crackers for snack. He held a piece of graham cracker in each hand and wandered around the park occasionally falling down. When he fell down, he’d attempt to get up but usually couldn’t do it while clutching the crackers. So, he’d carefully place the crackers down on the ground, lever himself up, and then grab the now completely sandy crackers.

A Good Day


  • N/A


  • Calvin was in a good mood today which made the entire day a nice day.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin likes to step up on things. He does this by holding onto a grown-up’s hands while lifting his foot onto the step and then getting the grown-up to help lift him up. Today at the park he decided he wanted to step up onto a park bench. He displayed impressive flexibility by lifting his leg up to around head height in an attempt to be able to “step” on the park bench. Obviously, this didn’t work very well but I lifted him up onto it so he was still happy with the experiment.


  • Threw out some old boxes that were cluttering our basement shelves.

Food Diary

  • Oatmeal with Blackberries
  • Snack – A couple of crackers
  • Lunch – Toasted cheese sandwich and 2 dark chocolate pieces
  • Dinner – Curry with brown rice and a piece of Roti
  • After dinner treat – 3 chocolate pieces

More mud


  • On Friday, one of our production servers went down when I restarted a service on one of our new test servers. It took almost an hour but eventually we tracked the problem down to a file on the production server that some how was overwritten as an empty file. While both the test and production servers are running the same software, our public catalog, there is no other connection between them. At the moment, I’m assuming it’s a very bizarre fluke but I’m going to be testing early tomorrow morning (I would have done it today except our vendor considers the patron catalog to be “non-critical” and doesn’t provide support on Sundays. I want them available in case something like opening up notepad on the test server causes the production server to format itself.)
  • I’ve had a cold, or a series of colds, for more than 3 weeks now. I’m very ready to be well. Also, my back/neck is bothering me again. Currently, I have to turn my whole body instead of just my neck to see things behind me. I was completely miserable yesterday.
  • Calvin had another breath holding spell Friday night. I didn’t panic this time until Calvin started breathing again.
  • My plants are dead. This is entirely my fault as I forgot to check the weather report for frost and woke up to discover a light smattering of snow on them. Though, it looks like the plants I don’t particularly care about as much, such as thyme and dill, survived ok.


  • Jaeger got up to take care of Calvin today. Between my cold and my back I didn’t get back to a deep sleep but I was able to snooze a little bit more.
  • We got a babysitter for Calvin and went out to a coffee shop and read for a couple hours before grabbing lunch and returning home. It was good for both of us to get a break.

Calvin Moment

  • I told Calvin’s babysitter that it was ok if Calvin went outside. Also, that he liked to play in dirt and the plants were dead anyway so it was probably ok to let him. We came back from our outing to discover Calvin covered from head to toe in dirt. He was obviously having the time of his life. One of his “toys” is an old measuring cup of mine which he commandeered as a shovel to scoop dirt from the pots onto our deck. Normally, we have to strip Calvin of his clothing after supper. Today, we had to strip him before he could come back inside the house.


  • Packed up some of Jaeger’s clothes for the thrift store.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Waffles with peanut butter, blackberries, and real whipped cream
  • Snack – Hot Chocolate (at the coffee shop)
  • Lunch/Supper – A large burrito and 2 small pieces of chocolate
  • Snack – a couple of dark chocolate pieces



  • I still have a cold. It’s got to end someday, right?


  • Calvin was in a pretty good mood today. HPLD has a subscription to Tumblebooks which I tried out today. I sat Calvin in the high chair and had the computer read him a story as I cooked. In general, I try to follow AAP’s guidelines on screen time but the only other way I’ve found to keep Calvin happy while I cook is to feed him. There’s a limit to how much food I feel comfortable giving him in one sitting. So, Tumblebooks is my compromise.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin continues to love playing outside. Today we just played in the backyard because it was drizzly and I wanted a quick exit strategy if it started pouring rain. Calvin found some mud and was happily patting it down when all of a sudden, he stuck a handful of it in his mouth. I suppose this was bound to happen. However, Calvin has very specific preferences when it comes to food and it appears that the mud did not meet these standards as he immediately made a face and started spitting it out. For the remaining time outside he did not try to eat mud again.


  • I spent way too long this evening reviewing legal docs surrounding my will and guardianship documents for Calvin. I found a couple more corrections that need to be made but we’ve almost got it right.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with blackberries
  • Lunch – Toasted cheese sandwich
  • Snack – Chocolate Chips
  • Supper – A “breakfast” burrito
  • Evening Treat – Hot Chocolate

Current Events


  • I still have a cold. Today my ears started really hurting so I made an appointment to see the doctor. I eventually decided that they were just annoyed due to the air pressure changes today and when I saw the doctor she concurred with my analysis but said one of my ears was looking a bit dubious and gave me a prescription just in case it got worst.


  • Sunday we got plants for the planters on our back deck. Last year I was a little preoccupied so we didn’t do anything and I really missed the fresh herbs. This year I got 2 Thai Basil, Columnar Basil, Sweet Basil, Oregano, Rosemary, Dill, Mint, Cilantro, a Patio tomato, and a Sun Sugar tomato. I haven’t had much luck with tomatoes in pots but I think it’s because I was trying to grow the wrong variety. Hopefully one of these will work better. Jaeger also got 3 peppers and plans to get one more pepper as well as flowers for the front porch.
  • We had book club yesterday night which is always fun. We discussed Boneshaker which was about a women attempting to rescue her son from zombies after he braves a deserted city to attempt to vindicate his dead father’s memory. Next month we’re reading River of Gods which I’m less excited about. I believe Jaeger nominated it solely because it’s set in a future India (He’s a little obsessed about India these days. Note: the “India” bookshelf has grown substantially since this photo was taken.). My choice was Fever Crumb. I mean, how can you beat a book set in the future about the only girl in the Order of Engineers.
  • After we got home last night, Jaeger and I discussed some long-term financial goals. We’ve decided to go ahead and pay off my graduate student loan in the next couple of months. We hadn’t been aggressively paying it down since I got an obscenely low interest rate but now it’s still several times greater than we can make with any liquid assets. From a pure numbers point of view, it would make more sense to pay off the mortgage first. However, in the short-term it works better to pay off the student loan first. That frees up a monthly payment we can use to save for a replacement car for when Yoda decides to die.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin is obsessed with being outdoors. This is actually more exasperating than cute as it’s incredibly boring to traipse around the outside of the house for hours. Normally, I would take him to the park but it’s not as sheltered as our subdivision and the wind was vicious today. However, in spite of my griping, I am pleased that he’s an outdoors kid. I’d much prefer him to spend his free time moving outside than glued to a screen. Plus, maybe this will offset the genetic disadvantage of having two myopic parents.


  • Emptied the shredder yet again and shredded more receipts.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal
  • Lunch – Toasted cheese sandwich and a small Mango
  • Snack – Waay too many chocolate chips.
  • Supper – Spicy Green Bean & Tofu Stir-Fry over Brown Rice

A better day


  • For the last couple of days I’ve had pretty bad back/neck pain. I suspect a combination of circumstances caused this but the proverbial straw that broke the camels back was my panic Tuesday night.


Today I got a massage. I wasn’t planning to but when I sat down to work for the morning I could barely concentrate because my back hurt so much. This was after taking a couple ibruprofen. So I looked at my schedule and decided I could probably squeeze in a massage if I tried.

Up till now, I’ve not been in the habit of getting massages, mainly because I don’t have enough extra in my expenditure allocation to cover it. However, I did get a couple the last month of my pregnancy (I highly recommend prenatal massages. They provide an hour of relief from all the achiness). Based on that experience, I thought a massage was worth a try.

I’m really glad I went and got a massage. It was worth every penny. My back still aches but now it’s down to a bearable level. Plus, my whole body feels much better. Not only did it physically relax my body but it gave me an hour to do nothing but relax which is too rare these days. I decided that I need to reevaluate my personal budget and see if I can allocate money for massages more often. After all, this indulgence much healthier for my body, though not my wallet, then indulging in chocolate :-)

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin is current is a very independent phase. I thought this wouldn’t happen till later but he’s started insisting on doing everything himself. Instead of being carried up the stairs, he wants to walk up the stairs. Instead of being fed, he wants to feed himself (and mommy too). He also really hates being strapped into anything: the car seat, the back pack carrier, even the swing (though once he’s in, he seems fine). I’ve decided it’s time I start queuing up my “strong-willed” or “spirited” parenting books.


  • Shredded more receipts.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal
  • Lunch – A burrito, 1/2 banana, and 2 chocolate pieces
  • Snack – A couple of crackers
  • Supper – Split pea soup and 2 pieces of Applesauce Raisin Bread
  • Evening Treat – 2 dark chocolate piece.