Still Sick


  • I still have the cold that I had a couple of weeks ago. Either that or I’m having overlapping colds, hard to say.


  • It was very sunny and warm day today. Not too hot and not too cold.
  • Calvin was in a pretty good mood today.
  • We got takeout for supper so I didn’t have to worry about cooking anything.
  • UPDATE: Jaeger being home from India is also an up but he came home yesterday which is why I didn’t originally list it

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin spent a lot of time today engaged in his two favorite activities: chasing Willow and walking around with his truck walker.


  • Our teapot started making weird scary noises whenever we boiled water in it. Nothing seemed wrong with it but I still couldn’t help but imagining it suddenly exploding one day. A couple of weeks ago we got a new teapot. I finally decided to throw the old teapot away. It still looks fine but if we’re not willing to use it, I probably shouldn’t try passing it off on anyone else.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with bananas and soy milk
  • Lunch – Holiday Bean soup with an Apricot Muffin
  • Supper – Buddha’s Feast takeout with Brown Rice
  • Evening Treat – Not sure yet. Maybe some chocolate.


Our trip today went extraordinarily well. Last night, I put Calvin to bed at 5:30pm PST. He had woken up at 4am PST and seemed tired so I thought this might be an opportunity to shift him to MDT. I woke up at 6am PDT and had just enough time to shower before Calvin woke up. Unfortunately, Calvin was pretty cranky and I had visions of dealing with a screaming child the entire flight and van ride to our house. Mom fed Calvin and I ate and finished packing.

At 8am PDT we left for the airport. It’s about an hour ride and Calvin snoozed for a little more than half an hour. He woke up when we arrived and seemed in a much better mood. Dad parked so he could help me check my bag which was really helpful. After checking my bag, I headed for the security line. It’s my second least favorite part of traveling with an infant (my absolute least favorite part is boarding and getting off the plane by myself). For carry-on luggage I had my carry-on roller suitcase, my little backpack with a laptop, my car seat, and of course I was carrying Calvin in my Beco carrier. Because of the problems I had with the formula last time, I pulled it out of the suitcase and put it in its own bin so they could easily see what it was. This time as I went through the gate they subjected Calvin to a quick pat-down to make sure I wasn’t hiding anything between him and me. However, none of my stuff triggered extra screening. A very helpful TSA person helped me carry all my stuff to a table so I could take my time putting everything back together.

I arrived at the gate with plenty of time and let Calvin wander around a bit. 15 minutes before boarding, I gave Calvin a quick diaper change and then reconfigured everything to boarding configuration. With a bit of sweat, I successfully made it to our seat and worked on getting the car seat installed. I always feel guilty about flying with a car seat since that means the person in front of Calvin can’t recline. However, this time I got a break because there was another car seat in front of Calvin. In fact, the entire back of the plane seemed to be filled with families with small children. Next to me sat a father who had his wife and 2 young children across the aisle. This was really nice because the youngest boy, a 2 year old, would occasionally sit on his father’s lap and he and Calvin would entertain each other. Calvin didn’t sleep at all during the flight but was in a spectacularly good mood.

We arrived at DEN on time and I lugged all our stuff out of the plane and reconfigured it to the car-seat stroller configuration. I picked up my bag and then went to the SuperShuttle booth to announce that I had arrived and needed a ride. I went outside to the shuttle island and waited a couple of minutes for a suitable shuttle to arrive. One arrived for mainly Broomfield residents but the driver said he’d take me to Longmont also. I wasn’t sure this was a good idea but it was unclear when another shuttle would arrive for Longmont so I took it. The driver told me that my car seat should go in the back. Two men helped maneuver it back there and I stood outside holding Calvin for a couple of minutes until it became apparent they had no idea how to hook up the car seat. Someone offered to hold Calvin while I climbed back and hooked everything up.

Calvin got the middle seat and I was on one side and a man was on the other. The man worked in the tech industry and was on an extended assignment in Broomfield, which appeared to be the case with almost all the other riders. He has three children and was quite good at keeping Calvin amused. Much to my surprise, Calvin actually managed to fall asleep on the ride and slept for a good 45 min. So, even though going home via Broomfield was a little circuitous, it turned out well.

We arrived home right around 5pm MDT. I was very happy to notice the cats had only thrown up three times on the main level (sometimes they can do this much in one day much less a week). I started unpacking and then took a break to feed Calvin and myself. I popped Calvin into his bath, fed him his night bottle and put him to bed just a little before 7:30pm MDT. At first, he resisted going to sleep but appeared to resign himself within a reasonable amount of time. I finished unpacking and loading the dish washer with all of Calvin’s dirty dishes from the trip and supper.

Now I’m off to relax a couple of minutes before heading to bed.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – 2 Large Pieces of Peanut Butter Cherry Toast
  • Lunch – An energy bar
  • Snack – 2 pieces of dark chocolate
  • Supper – Lentil soup and triscuits with cheese but I’m still hungry so I might eat something else before going to bed

Washington Trip – Friday


  • N/A


  • Calvin has been in a very good mood most of today. I worked while he napped and in the afternoon mom ran a couple of errands around town and we tagged along. Then we went for a walk which turned out pretty short as it started to rain and I didn’t have anything to keep it off Calvin.

Calvin Moment

  • This afternoon Calvin practiced walking between mom and me. He only managed a couple of steps each time by himself but it’s still progress.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – 10 grain cereal with Blueberry Buckle
  • Lunch – Veggie Chicken Pot Pie, Green Beans, and raw veggies with Chocolate Chip Cookies for dessert
  • Supper – Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and jam and frozen strawberries
  • Evening Treat – 1/2 a Chocolate Chip Cookie

Washington Trip – Thursday


  • Calvin has been pretty grumpy the last couple of days. His eyes are also a little goopy so he might be sick. Dad thinks it’s viral so there isn’t really much we can do about it.
  • I think I’m sick too.


  • Gramps and Grams, my mom’s father and his new wife, arrived yesterday to see Calvin. Naturally, Calvin loved having more adults pay attention to him.
  • I’ve consistently been handing Calvin off to mom in the morning and getting a couple more hours of sleep. I think this is particularly good as I think I’m sick. Being sick with my mom around is the best time to be sick if it can’t be avoided.

Calvin Moment

  • My parents have sliding glass doors for the bathtub. Calvin loves banging on them and making lots of noise during his bath.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – 3 sweet rolls (yes, I was evil), a strawberry smoothie, and some brown rice.
  • Lunch – Mashed potatoes, Veggie Swiss Steak, Asparagus and 1 piece of coconut chocolate candy
  • Snack – 1 piece of dark chocolate
  • Supper – Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and jam and frozen strawberries
  • Evening Treat – 1 piece of dark chocolate

Washington Trip – Monday


  • Calvin woke up at 3:30am this morning and would not go back to sleep :-( Throughout the rest of the night, I tried giving him ibuprofen in case he was hurting, a bottle in case he was hungry, and a diaper change in case that was bothering him. The only thing that would work was to put him on my chest and massage his back and legs. While I massaged him, he would snooze but the instant I stopped, he’d wake up again. Finally, I handed him off to mom at 6 and went back to bed for a couple of hours. I’m so glad this happened when I was in Washington instead of by myself!


  • After I finally managed to drag myself out of bed, we went to Portland to go shopping. It’s very hard for me to get out of the house and go clothes shopping now so visits to my mom are usually my best opportunity to buy items I need. Calvin took a nap on the way down to Portland. We started at Value Village where I picked up several items I needed. Next, we went to Nordstrom and bought Calvin his first pair of shoes. (Daycare wants to take the kids outside once it gets warmer and they have this archaic belief that one must be properly shod to enjoy the great outdoors.) For lunch, mom and I got blizzards at Dairy Queen. It’s been over a year since I’ve had a blizzard and I think my taste for them his dissipated. We don’t have a See’s near us in Colorado anymore so I couldn’t resist stopping by and buying a couple of pieces. We finished with a quick run to Nordstrom’s Rack where I picked up a pair of brown dress shoes to replace the ones that are wearing out. Calvin was in a excellent mood for most of the trip and took a nap on the way home.

Calvin Moment

  • My normally uncuddly baby actually cuddled with me after finishing his bottle tonight. He laid his head on my shoulder and was still for almost 5 min before deciding cuddle time was over.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – 1 piece of Peanut Butter and Peach Toast
  • Lunch – A small blizzard
  • Supper – A green salad
  • Evening Treat – See’s Candy

Washington Trip – Sunday


  • Calvin was extremely cranky this afternoon. It took both mom and I to manage him and we still couldn’t keep him happy. I don’t know whether to blame the time change, his cold, possible teething, hunger, or something else. It’s very frustrating not knowing what a baby wants.


  • The Logans were able to travel over from Walla Walla for the weekend. They had to leave this morning but it was really nice to have them here. Calvin adored being the center of attention for five adults.
  • I was able to take a nap while Calvin napped. One of the advantages of being away from home is I don’t have as many things I have to worry about.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin has learned how to rock himself on the double rocker in my mom’s living room. Of course, he has to be carefully supervised but he has a lot of fun on the rocker.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – 1 1/2 waffles with blueberries, strawberries, maple syrup, and whip cream
  • Lunch – Asian inspired stir-fry with white rice and 2 pieces of chocolate for dessert
  • Snack – 1 piece of chocolate
  • Supper – TBD, probably frozen strawberries or something similar

Traveling Update


  • Because of all the excitement at the airport, Calvin wouldn’t settle down for his morning nap. Right about the time we should have been boarding our plane, 12:00pm, Calvin lost it and started crying. Unfortunately, our plane was 1/2 hr late so I was doing gymnastics trying to keep him entertained until I could strap him in the plane. Once we got on the plane, Calvin was howling but as soon as the airplane started moving, I strapped him in, put a bottle in his mouth, and he was out within minutes.
  • Calvin only slept for about 45 min on the plane because a flight attendent got on the intercom and started making an announcement about the beverage service which woke him up. He was in a reasonably good mood the rest of the trip but was very energetic and I kept him to move him around to keep him entertained. I was exhausted by the end of the flight.


  • I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage Calvin, the car seat, carry-on luggage, and checked in luggage by myself. However, with the aide of the Traveling Toddler which converts your car seat to an ad-hoc stroller using the wheels on your carry-on suitcase, and the Beco Baby Carrier it actually wasn’t too bad. The worst part was boarding the plane. The car seat is too wide to roll down the aisle. I had to carry the carry-on suitcase on my back (mine has backpack straps in addition to rollers), Calvin on my front, and carrying the car seat at around shoulder height to squeeze it past the seats. I added it all up and discovered I was carrying about 80 lbs which is more than half my body weight. Fortunately, a flight attendant was able to meet me about half-way and carry the car seat to our row.

Baby Traveling Resources

Book Club Night


  • Calvin was pretty cranky this morning. Out of ideas, I tried to put him to bed for his morning nap early but that didn’t go well. He was also a little more temperamental than usual during our book club.


  • I was very productive at work today and got quite a few work orders closed.
  • Jaeger brought Sushi for supper. In addition to being tasty, this allowed me some extra time in the afternoon to get a couple of errands done.
  • Tonight was book club night which is always amusing. It turns out I was the only one that actually finished Dragons of Babel. Next month we’re going to try Affinity Bridge.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin loves playing with books. At the book club meeting we had spread our nominations on a low table and were trying to discuss the books while keeping Calvin away from them. He’d crawl up to the table, pull himself up, and then start randomly flipping through the books. We had board books for him to play with but I guess the grown-up books were just so much more interesting.


  • Didn’t get around to doing anything tonight.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with raisins and soy milk
  • Lunch – Pea soup with triscuits and cheddar cheese
  • Supper – Miso Soup and Sushi followed by 2 pieces of dark chocolate
  • Evening Treat – 1/2 serving of triscuits with cheese and a glass of milk



  • I appear to be developing a sore throat. I’m leaving for Washington state Friday and I hope I can avoid a sniffling nose on the plane.


  • Jaeger got up with Calvin so I got to sleep in.
  • Both Jaeger and I got a craving for donuts. Originally, I wanted to try out a donut shop I saw a review for but they appeared to be closed on Sunday. We went to Target for misc stuff and swung by their donut section but it looked very uninspiring. Stopped by Safeway whose selection was sparse but the donuts still looked edible. While I fed Calvin his solid food supper, we heated up and ate our donuts. They were very good. Mmmmm . . .

Calvin Moment

  • Jaeger has officially decided that Calvin’s first word is “ditty.” Calvin says it consistently enough when looking at the cats that there isn’t any doubt as to his meaning.


  • My task this week will be to pack in preparation for our Washington trip. Today, I created our packing list.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Potatoes O’Brien, Strawberry Smoothie, and 2 Corn Cakes with Honey
  • Lunch Snack – 2 pieces of dark chocolate
  • Lunch/Supper – A bowl of Sicilian Lentil Soup and Triscuits with Cheddar Cheese
  • Supper – A maple donut
  • Evening Treat – 1 piece of dark chocolate



  • I was scheduled to run the video for PA on March 6 but since I’ll be gone, I traded. I was able to get a trade which was good but I switched from just running the video script to writing it. I’ve tried to avoid this because it means I have to come in extra early which really wreaks havoc with Calvin’s nap. Fortunately, Jaeger was willing to watch him this morning. Due to a number of factors, the script writing was very chaotic and I barely finished it in time for church.


  • Took Calvin to the library in the afternoon and he had a lot of fun playing with their toys and oogling the other children.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin has taken to carrying his burp cloth around in his mouth. He grabs on with his teeth and just carries it around with him whether he crawls or is walking with his truck. I can’t decide if this is his “lovey” or it just feels good to have cloth between his teeth.


  • Found some more breastfeeding paraphernalia that I packed away.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – 2 pieces of Peanut Butter Applesauce Toast
  • Lunch – 1 Chicken Patty, Mashed Potatoes, and Artichoke Hearts. For dessert, 2 Chocolate Coconut Pinwheel Cookies
  • Snack – 1 piece of dark chocolate
  • Supper – 2 bowls of corn flakes with honey and soy milk