Staff Day


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  • Today was staff day for the library district. I was up in Greeley for the entire day meeting people in real life which was very different than my normal work day. I was almost giddy with seeing so many people I knew. That was a very odd feeling as I’m usually not much of a people person. Anyway, staff day was fun and it was a good change for my normal work routine.

Calvin Moment

  • While Calvin was eating his solid food supper, Jaeger made a reference to Sesame Street that I didn’t catch as I don’t remember watching any Sesame Street (though my mother assures me I did). Anyway, after Jaeger got over his shock and horror about my ignorance, he proceeded to count like Count von Count which Calvin found most amusing.


  • Ventured into the depths of one of my cupboards and discarded scary bottles of liquid (old cooking wine, etc).

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Small bowl of Oatmeal with soy milk
  • 2nd Breakfast (in Greeley) – Fruit & Tea
  • Lunch – Croissant Sandwich and a bagel (I had actually saved the bagel from the library provided breakfast in fears there wouldn’t be a vegetarian compatible lunch since it was described as a “Deli meat and cheese buffet”)
  • Snack – Large Chocolate Bar
  • Supper – Garbanzo Tomato Pasta Soup, in the words of Jaeger, “not bad for a 5 minute meal.”
  • Evening Treat – 2 pieces of dark chocolate

Housecleaning Day


  • Today was housecleaning day but I didn’t have time to mop the floors.


  • Finally finished a searching handout I’ve been working on at the library.
  • I have to go up to Greeley for the whole day tomorrow so Jaeger’s going to have to take Calvin to daycare. This morning I managed to prepare and package up all his solid food for tomorrow so Jaeger just has to grab the bag and go.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin loves it when 5 comes up to the bathroom during his bath. Today he tried to brush her with his hairbrush. To my surprise, he managed more of a stroke than usual.


  • Threw out some old glass baby food jars. They’ve been spawning at an alarming rate especially considering I make more than half his food.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with banana and soy milk
  • Lunch – Leftover Spinach & Eggplant Lasagna and 2 pieces dark chocolate
  • Snack – Small Rice Krispies bar
  • Supper – Mixed Vegetable Curry and Garlic Naan
  • Evening Treat – 2 pieces of dark chocolate or possibly hot chocolate. Haven’t decided yet.



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  • I had a meeting at 11:30 today. Since Calvin has been taking later naps than normal, I was afraid I would have to wake him up early in order to take him to daycare and get to work on time. (Normally if I think he’s going to wake up later than usual, I just work while he’s napping in order to make up the time). However, he woke up early enough this morning that he was done with his nap by 11. Kind of a mixed blessing in that I’ve enjoyed him sleeping in the last couple of days but still a net positive considering the circumstances.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin really enjoys “unloading” the dishwasher. Before letting him play with it, I unload anything sharp or breakable from the bottom and then let him play. It requires rewashing a fair amount of stuff. However, it can keep him occupied for quite a while so I think it’s worth it. He has such fun grabbing large serving spoons out of the dishwasher and banging them against an obliging pot.


  • Got rid of an old pot I had kept around for camping. Since acquiring it, we’ve upgrading to a backpacking cook set.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with dried cherries and soy milk
  • Lunch – Toasted Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwich and 1 piece of dark chocolate
  • Snack – Chocolate chips and some granola as I was making it for Jaeger
  • Supper – Green salad with Spinach and Eggplant Lasagna
  • Evening Treat – 2 pieces of dark chocolate

Calvin & “No”


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  • Calvin was restless during the night but didn’t actually wake up till 7am again. I really hope this is a trend.
  • I had time to pay the credit card and bills.

Calvin Moment

  • I recently realized that when I tell Calvin “no” he actually learns really fast. I have a small DVD shelf in my kitchen that I use for spices. Before Calvin was born, I kept wondering how I was going to baby-proof it. By the time Calvin arrived, I still didn’t have a good solution. Initially when he started crawling around, he’d head straight for the herbs and spices and gnaw on the brightly colored bottled. However, I told him, “no, not for baby” a couple of times and would move him back to the dining room. Now that I think about it, he hasn’t shown any interest in those shelves for months. The same goes for our “library shelf” and the space heater in his bedroom. I suspect I should cherish this phase of obeying me while it lasts :-)


  • Shredded some more financial documents and threw away some very, very old paint.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with banana and soy milk
  • Lunch – 2 slices of garlic bread with cheese, 1/4 cup of apricots, and 1 piece of dark chocolate
  • Snack – 1 piece of dark chocolate
  • Supper – Mixed Vegetable Curry over brown rice and store bought naan
  • Evening Treat – 2 pieces of dark chocolate

Awake Calvin


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  • I stayed up too late last night reading and I was dreading the morning. However, Calvin didn’t wake up till 7am!
  • Calvin was in a good mood all morning. I was even able to get some work done while he happily wandered around the house.
  • I started preparing for my presentation on staff day at the library. I’ve decided to indulge myself and talk about the intricacies that don’t get covered in normal staff training such as how to create RSS feeds from any search.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin was very awake today. He didn’t get up till 7 but didn’t go down for his morning nap till 11 (normally it’s 3 hrs after he gets up). Then tonight, he didn’t want to go to bed. As I was trying to feed him, he kept lunging for Jaeger, who was sitting next to me, cackling wildly.


  • Found a “travel” folder which had old airline receipts in it. Jaeger wants to look through it to grab flight numbers but after that I’m probably going to shred everything in it.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with dried blueberries and soymilk
  • Lunch – 2 slices of garlic bread with cheese, a banana, 1 piece of dark chocolate
  • Snack – 10 chocolate chips
  • Supper – Green salad, Cuban Black Beans with Brown Rice except I used Anasazi instead of black beans, and 1/2 a small banana
  • Evening Treat – 2 pieces of dark chocolate

Rest Day


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  • Jaeger got up with Calvin so I got some extra sleep.
  • Calvin was in a decent mood most of the day except for the afternoon when he needed another nap but refused to take one.
  • I think Calvin may be managing to swallow some of the chunky food we’ve been giving him.

Calvin Moment

  • This morning after I got up, Calvin decided he wanted to play musical parents. He’d hold out his arms for Jaeger to hold him and then once there, would hold out his arms for me and vice versa. Finally, Jaeger and I decided to make a “Calvin Sandwich” but that didn’t seem to appease him either.


  • Threw out a nut grinder I had that kept breaking.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast -3 Corn Meal Griddle Cakes (2 with honey) and an odd variation of scrambled tofu
  • “Lunch” – 2 Cookies
  • Supper – Baked Potato, Broccoli with Cheese Sauce, and leftover sour cream rye biscuits
  • Evening Treat – 3 pieces of dark chocolate

Good Day


  • Calvin didn’t sleep in today so I got up a little after 5:30.
  • Calvin was very unhappy while I was trying to practice at church this morning.


  • I played in church today and in spite of not practicing as much as I should have, I think it went fairly well. Also, Jackie took care of Calvin during the church service and managed to charm him into being happy. I went back to the mother’s room during the sermon but she was doing so well with Calvin that I thought I might spoil it if he saw me. So, I quietly backed out and went to sit in the main sanctuary until it was time for me to play postlude.
  • Patty invited me to a “ladies night out.” Several of the church ladies got together and we watched Julie & Julia. It was the first time since Calvin was born that I had gone out without either Jaeger or Calvin with me. It was a strange but fun experience.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin is still having fun pushing his truck walker around the living room.


  • Didn’t get around to anything today.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – 2 pieces of Peanut Butter Applesauce Toast. Also made cookies for the ladies night out and snacked a bit from there.
  • Late Lunch – Asparagus Ravioli with Marinara sauce, Edamame, and Garlic Bread
  • Supper Snack – Everyone brought a snack for the movies so I ate all manner of unhealthy things such as cheese, chips, and chocolate :-)

Calvin Slept In!


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  • Calvin slept in till 6:30 today. It was wonderful. He also went down for his morning nap easily so I was able to exercise again today.
  • I have to play for church tomorrow and discovered yesterday I was also responsible for offertory. Fortunately, I had some extra time to practice tonight. It’s much more complicated to practice now that I can’t play the piano after Calvin has gone to bed. I have considered resurrecting my full-length electronic keyboard but the feel is just so different I’m not sure if it would help or hurt.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin loves it when I chase him around the living room. He gets on his hands and knees, looks at me coyly and then races off in the opposite direction. When I follow him on my hands and knees, he collapses into loud giggles.


  • Threw away some toddler formula I found in the basement. When Calvin was just a couple months old, I found some formula that was significantly cheaper than normal. I excitedly bought it and it wasn’t until I had used it for a couple of days that I realized it was “toddler” formula and wasn’t suitable for infants. I’m still not sure why one would use this even at the toddler stage instead of milk and a balanced diet.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with banana, honey, and soy milk.
  • Lunch – Toasted Peanut Butter Jam Sandwich, 1 Kiwi, and 2 chocolate pieces
  • Supper – Adzuki Bean and Miso soup (I added too much wakame :-( ) and Sour Cream Rye Biscuits
  • Evening Treat: 1 Chocolate Coconut Pinwheel Cookie



  • My brain was feeling very foggy this afternoon so I delayed working on some complicated reports I was planning to create.


  • Since last week when I was sick, I haven’t been exercising. I would have exercised Monday except our schedule was off due to Presidents Day. However, I finally got back on my exercise routine yesterday.
  • I also managed to clean the upper level of the house with time to spare. Like exercise, I slacked off with my normal chores last week and it feels good to start getting on top of things again.

Calvin Moment

  • I think Calvin’s first word is going to be “ditty” (kitty, except he can’t say the k sound). He might even be saying it now, I can’t tell for sure. In any case, he adores the cats and always starts talking excitedly when one of them appears. Calvin was in the bath today when 5 came looking for some attention. He had a hair brush in his hand and happily banged her head a couple of times with it before I caught him. He’s still too young to understand what “gentle” means. Fortunately, 5 is the child-friendly cat so she took his affectionate abuse in stride.


  • Got rid of some empty boxes that had been cluttering up our living room.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with banana and soy milk.
  • Lunch – Leftover Garbanzo and Couscous Salad, dried apricots, and 2 large cookies
  • Afternoon snack – A small piece of chocolate
  • Supper – Mac & Cheese and Broccoli & Carrots (I made extra of the vegetables for Calvin’s breakfast tomorrow)
  • Evening Treat: 1 piece of dark chocolate

Bad Day


  • Calvin started waking up at 4:30 and around 5:30 I got up and gave him breakfast.
  • I spent the first 3 hours today crying intermittantly because I was so tired. Calvin, no doubt as a show of camaraderie, also cried much of the morning so we were all pretty miserable. Once Calvin was down for his morning nap I self-medicated with Gnucash and Chocolate. This was one of those days where I really wish caffeine worked on me.


  • Chocolate. My chocolate pieces perked me up enough to at least be functional.

Calvin Moment

  • Today during supper it looked like Calvin was trying to use his spoon for food. He appeared to be attempting to place his cheerios on the spoon but he didn’t know what to do with it after that.


  • Shredded some old credit card statements. Our file cabinet is slowly becoming less crowded.

Food Diary
Today was not a low calorie day.

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with banana, honey, and milk.
  • Morning snack – 5 chocolate pieces
  • Lunch – A packaged rice and cheese meal and 2 chocolate pieces
  • Afternoon snack – Mini-Chocolate Cheesecake
  • Supper – Mac & Cheese, Broccoli, and Garlic Bread
  • Evening Treat: 2 Dark Chocolate Pieces