

  • N/A


  • Calvin is waking up around 5:30 these days which is way too early for my tastes. I got up with him but Jaeger took him around 7:30 and I went to back to bed for a bit which was very nice.
  • We now have new tires for Motoko.
  • I acquired more 12 month clothing for Calvin. I couldn’t find any good winter one-piece outfits but I did manage to find a couple of comfortable looking two-piece outfits.
  • Calvin was in a relatively good mood most of the day.
  • I had a chance to try out the Traveling Toddler Strap and decided it probably will work for my visit to Washington state in March.

Calvin Moment

  • This morning while I was feeding Calvin breakfast, he figured out how to suck in his cheeks and pucker his lips. It was very cute though it made feeding him a little more complicated than usual.


  • I moved some of my young adult books from our “favorites” bookshelf downstairs to a shelf in our bedroom. We need to spend some quality time figuring out where to put our ever-expanding book collection. I haven’t bought many books this last year but made up for it last night by ordering 6 books for Calvin and 16 for myself (these are all books I’ve read at the library and like well enough to want my own copies).

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – 2 Sticky Buns, an apple, and a glass of soymilk
  • Lunch – Tomato Bean Soup and Grilled Cheese sandwich followed by 2 pieces of dark chocolate
  • Snack – A piece of Pear Almond Upside-Down Cake and a Cliff Mojo Bar Dipped
  • Supper – Whole wheat tortilla with melted cheddar cheese
  • Evening Treat: 2 Dark Chocolate Pieces



  • N/A


  • I got to sleep in while Jaeger took care of Calvin
  • Jaeger and I got a babysitter for Calvin and took off to wander around Boulder for a couple of hours. Our first stop was the Bookworm which has a very nice selection of used books. Unfortunately, I was out of luck and didn’t find anything in cookbooks, SF, or board books. However, I did pick up a copy of Mary Balogh’s The Secret Pearl. Our next stop was The Sink where we shared a “Buddah Basil” pizza. At first, I was a little dubious about tofu on pizza but it was pretty good and the whole wheat crust was excellent. We then went and had tea at a tea shop on Pearl St. I made a mistake in getting Thai Tea which was overly sweet without much flavor. However’s Jaeger’s green tea seemed pretty interesting. I had been hoping to go to a speciality chocolate shop I had previously seen at the Pearl St Mall. However, they appear to have gone out of business. Instead, we stopped by the Rocky Mountain Chocolate store and I was not impressed. Their chocolate tasted more like sugar with hints of chocolate. We had just enough time to swing by The Boulder Bookstore before heading home. It was a good trip.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin has a very amusing barking laugh. When I sneak up and startle him, he dissolves into barking giggles. It’s a most peculiar sound.


  • Shredded another 2 bags of old financial documents.

Food Diary


I missed yesterday so here’s two days in one.


  • Yesterday, Calvin only took a 10 minute morning nap. It was entirely my fault. He’s been taking his morning nap later so I thought it would be good to use the extra time to take a walk around the neighborhood and get him some fresh air. I didn’t take him in the stroller since I didn’t want him to fall asleep. Turns out he can sleep in the Beco carrier also. Once I realized he was asleep, I returned to the house to grab my iPod but my gait must have changed as he woke up. I couldn’t convince him to go back to sleep after that.


  • I went to a Valentine party for the infants at Calvin’s daycare. Hung out with a couple of the parents and played with Calvin. It’s always nice to play with Calvin when other adults are around so I can have intelligent conversations also :-)
  • Today had the potential to be a very long day but it actually turned out okay. Calvin fell asleep on the way to church and slept a total of 2 hrs. I don’t like waking him up if I don’t have to so he slept through Sabbath School. While he slept, I entertained myself by reading Crown of Slaves on my iPhone. We made it to church but Calvin was restless so he spent most of the sermon out in the foyer practicing walking while holding onto my fingers. I’m the accompanist next week and the singers wanted to practice after potluck. Normally, I don’t take Calvin to potluck but I fed him in his stroller and we avoided any major catastrophes. Debbi watched Calvin while I played the piano and even managed to convince him to take a nap in his stroller.

Calvin Moment

  • I think Calvin has a new favorite book, Baby Cakes. It’s a cute book that prompts the reader to kiss baby’s nose, tickle baby, etc. Calvin started clapping his hands when I began reading it this morning..


  • Didn’t have time to work on anything.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Peanut Butter Applesauce Toast
  • Lunch – Potluck stuff
  • Snack – Mini Chocolate Cheesecake
  • Supper – Asparagus Ravioli, Edamame, and Bread
  • Evening Treat: 2 Dark Chocolate Pieces

Holding Pattern


  • I seemed to have a nausea relapse this morning so instead of cleaning house, I took a nap. I felt much better when I woke up. Unfortunately, this means the house is still filthy.


  • Calvin was in a pretty good mood today and slept reasonably well last night even though I didn’t give him any ibuprofen.


  • Didn’t have time to work on anything.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – A small amount of oatmeal with banana and soymilk
  • Lunch – Holiday Bean Soup and 2 dark chocolate pieces
  • Supper – Palak Paneer, rosemary bread, and kiwi
  • I made mini-chocolate cheesecakes for Calvin’s valentine party tomorrow and as usual, I couldn’t/didn’t stop myself from snacking.

UPDATE: I’m not sure where my cute Calvin moment went so here it is.

  • Calvin likes playing with his hair brush when he’s in the bath tub. Usually he just chews on it or likes throwing it around. However, today he decide to clean the tub. He was industriously brushing the tile and the faucet with the hair brush.


Most babies wear diapers. However, there are many different types of diapers to choose from. Currently, we use cloth diapers at home and disposable diapers at daycare. I wasn’t sure if cloth diapers would make financial sense for just one baby but at the time we were planning on having 2-3 so I figured it would make sense in the long-term. Today, I decided I had enough data to estimate a break-even point for cloth diapers. Assuming our current variables remain comparable, we will break-even when Calvin reaches 16 months. Here are the caveats:

  • Because of daycare, about 1/2 of Calvin’s diapers are disposable and 1/2 are cloth. If we exclusively used cloth, we would have broken even at around 8 months.
  • I got a fairly expensive all-in-one cloth diaper that is suppose to fit up to 35 lb babies. If you stick to pre-folds and diaper covers, you can do this for much cheaper. However, I really love my diapers and wouldn’t trade them.
  • For our disposable diapers, we buy Costco brand which is good quality but a fairly inexpensive option. If Calvin wore disposable diapers exclusively, we would pay around $50/month for diapers which is on the low side of the typical range (I estimate that Calvin goes through slightly more than 50 diapers a week).
  • Obviously, cloth diapers are more labor intensive. However, it’s really not as bad as I thought it would be. The most time-consuming part is stuffing them but I usually do that while watching tv. Gives me an excuse to watch TV without feeling lazy :-)


  • N/A


  • My nausea is gone!
  • Once Calvin went down for his morning nap, I also took a nap. Normally, I would be doing “useful things” during this period but I thought I should take it easy to make sure I didn’t have a relapse.
  • I had a little bit of time to practice the piano today. This is good because I’m playing on the 20th and just now had time to pick out my music. Unfortunately, the days of cramming two days before church are over as I can no longer play after Calvin goes to bed.
  • Simplification

  • I went through one of our checking account folders and got rid of a lot of stuff.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with raisins and soymilk
  • Lunch – Holiday Bean Soup
  • Supper – Mizidra with naan (I discovered Vitamin Cottage has half decent naan in their frozen prepared dinners section)
  • After Dinner Treat – a small serving of chocolate peanut butter ice cream



  • Still feeling nauseated :-( It feels exactly like morning sickness so on the way back from daycare, I picked up a pregnancy test. However, I’m not pregnant, just sick :-)
  • Calvin woke up early around 5:30 this morning and wouldn’t go back to sleep. However, this isn’t quite as bad as it normally would seem as I had been awake since 4:30 because my stomach wasn’t behaving.


Today I went and saw a counselor about everything that has happened this past year. This has been the hardest year of my life and, contrary to what I expected, not the most rewarding. I knew that having an infant would be hard but I thought there would be more upsides than I’m seeing.

I was reluctant to see a counselor because I saw a psychologist a couple of years ago and always ended leaving the sessions more stressed than when I arrived. In addition, she didn’t seem to accept what I said at face value. I like this counselor much better. She obviously has experience talking with rational people that aren’t exceptionally emotional. When she asked me a question and I answered it, she accepted my answer without trying to twist it into something that I didn’t mean.

Anyway, the counselor basically told me that my feelings were normal and the people who say, “treasure every moment,” probably don’t remember what it was really like. Kind of like those people who claim the high school years are the best years of your life. She suggested some strategies for trying to bond better with Calvin such as writing down the cute things he does (see, I’m already ahead of her :-) ) and trying find time to interact with him when I’m not stressed by other tasks.

Other things we talked about in no particular order:

  • The first year is the hardest.
  • It may be harder to identify with a child when their personality type is different from the parents. For example, I’m pretty sure Calvin is going to turn out to be an extrovert. The more people he’s around, the happier he is.
  • Daycare is not evil. She said that it sounded like Calvin was thriving in daycare and it was a good sign that he could develop a good bond with the daycare people in addition to me (even though his primary bond should be with me).
  • Given my personality, it’s probably a really good thing I work at least part-time.
  • With any large life change, you usually should wait at least a year afterwards before making follow-up plans. That being said, when the time comes, you should make sure that you are honest with yourself about your feelings and abilities.
  • There’s nothing wrong with being a single child. As more parents have just one child, there isn’t as much stigma associated with it. She also feels that single children actually have a social advantage because they are more comfortable interacting with adults. She did preface all this with acknowledging there isn’t a lot of research of this subject so her comments are based on her own observations.
  • Mothers don’t necessarily have an instinct telling them how to deal with a child. Other than breasts and an ability to give birth, they may not have a care-giving advantage over men.
  • She agrees that my determination to give Calvin breast milk probably interfered with my initial bonding with him. Not that I regret my choice per se. Given my previous knowledge and experience, I made the best choice I could at the time. If I ever have another child I will still try to breastfeed as that is the ideal situation. However, I will stop as soon as I (or Jaeger) see that it’s interfering with our emotional bond.
  • She seemed shocked that a postpartum women, already at high risk for depression, would be allowed to take a drug (Reglan, for lactation) known to have depression as a possible side effect. At the time I didn’t think I was depressed. Even now I’m not sure but I’m willing to admit it was possible. However, around 6 months was where I didn’t feel like I was in hell anymore. I don’t know if that was because I had stopped taking Reglan or if it was because Calvin finally started being able to assert his independence and thus was much easier to take care of.

The counselor seems to think all my reactions are normal and I don’t need extensive counseling. However, she suggested I schedule monthly checkups to make sure I continue doing ok.

Cute Calvin Moment

  • Every night when I bring Calvin home from daycare we experiment with finger food in the hopes that someday he will learn how to eat without pushing everything out of his month with his tongue. Tonight we tried freeze-dried blueberries. You aren’t suppose to feed an infant normal dried fruit such as raisins because it’s sticky and the fruit may clump together poising a choking hazard. However, I thought freeze-dried fruit would be ok because it’s crisp and has a tendency to dissolve once it gets wet. Anyway, Calvin loved the blueberries. He would very carefully pick up a blueberry between his two fingers, bring it to his mouth, and delicately nibble on it with his front teeth. I think he even managed to swallow some of them.


  • I shredded a ton of documents today and filled up two garbage bags with shredded paper.

Food Diary
Today was another odd food day as most of my nutrition came from nibbling on graham crackers, one of the few foods that isn’t actively increasing my nausea.

  • Breakfast – A banana and mint tea
  • Lunch – A tiny portion of Holiday Bean Soup
  • Supper – A little bit of Cheese & Spinach Ravioli.



  • I’m still feeling poorly from yesterday. I feel like I’m starving but the thought of food is repulsive. I also felt pretty achy so I took some Advil and managed to perk up after a bit.
  • Not only did Calvin have a bad night but I woke up separately starving (or sick, it’s hard to tell the difference). By 5am I gave in and fed Calvin and then held him while we both dozed till 7. I was exhausted and was grateful when he took his morning nap so I could follow.


  • Daycare. I’m not sure I’ve mentioned this before but daycare is a life saver. After I took Calvin to daycare I worked for a couple of hours to catch up on email and then took the rest of the day off to relax.

Cute Calvin Moment

  • During Calvin’s bath tonight, I started singing “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.” To my surprise, Calvin started clapping his hands when I was singing (before I clapped). I tried it several times during the bath and each time he clapped his hands so it wan’t a fluke.


  • I managed to give away my dehydrator today to one of the Second Start Community Gardeners. It’s a nice dehydrator that I got for $5 at the thrift store. I could have donated it back to the thrift store but I thought a gardener might have more use for it. You never know if someone is going to find it at the thrift store.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with Raisins and Soymilk
  • Lunch – Miso Soup and Peach Yogurt
  • Supper – Cheese & Spinach Ravioli. I know I need to eat something else but inspiration hasn’t struck me yet.



  • Calvin started making noises around 3am and was bawling by 4:30. I got up and gave him a bottle and he went back to sleep. I’m wondering if maybe he’s going through a growth spurt or something. For lunch, I fed him his normal 6 oz and he started fussing as soon as he finished. I’ve been trying to cut back on his formula and increase his solid food but I gave in and he drank another 4oz which is way more than he usually wants.
  • .

  • Calvin was cranky much of the day. We thought it might be teething but he didn’t get noticeably happier after we gave him ibuprofen.
  • A little after mid day I suddenly started feeling awful. Jaeger took Calvin and I took a much needed nap. I still don’t feel 100% but I feel much better now. Jaeger leaves for San Diego tomorrow so I hope I’m not coming down with something.


  • Jaeger got up with Calvin this morning which was great since I hadn’t slept well due to Calvin’s noises.
  • Jaeger took Calvin so I could take an afternoon nap.
  • I’m still really liking my Beco carrier. I took Calvin to the grocery store by myself and he was happy most of the trip (which considering how grouchy he’s been today is amazing).

Cute Calvin Moment

  • Calvin is working on standing up without any support. While we were videoconferencing with “Nana”, Jaeger’s mom, Calvin pushed himself up on Jaeger’s leg and balanced precariously before tumbling down. He did this several times in a row.


  • Got completely rid of the contents of another folder. It’s amazing the stuff I have sitting in that file cabinet.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – 3 Gingerbread Pancakes and 1 piece of French Toast
  • Lunch – 1 Luna bar
  • Supper – 1 Veggie Burger, 1 veggie burger with cheese minus bun, 1/2 cup canned grapefruit, and 2 kiwi
  • End of day treat – 1/2 cup of Häagen-Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream



  • N/A


  • Calvin slept during church today which made it much more relaxing than normal. This meant he was awake for the ride back but he seemed content to babble in his car seat occasionally shaking a rattle.

Cute Calvin Moment

  • We took Calvin to the park today. We swung him in the swing, whirled him around in a weird red bowl-like thing, and pushed him down the slides. He laughed delightedly with each new event. I think Calvin is going to be a daredevil when he gets older. He definitely preferred the taller slide and he loves anything that involves fast and sudden motion.


  • Tackled the “Weld” folder and threw away or shredded about 75% of the stuff in it.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – 2 pieces of Peanut Butter Applesauce Toast
  • Lunch – Couscous, and apple dipped in peanut butter
  • Supper – Pasta Alfredo, roasted green beans, and cherry tomatoes
  • End of day treat – 2 piece Dark Dove Chocolate



  • Last night I decided not to give Calvin ibuprofen. This was a mistake. For the last couple of nights he’s been sleeping silently until it’s time to wake up. This means I get to sleep more. However, last night he started making noises around 3am. Around 4:30am I got up and gave him ibuprofen and he went back to sleep for a bit only to wake up bright and early at 6am.


  • I received season one of Castle from the library the end of last week. Our library use to check out each disc of a tv series separately for one week. The main disadvantage of this is our catalog system is not capable of realizing that people would want to watch disc 1 before disc 2 so they have to be really careful or the holds get mixed up. As a result, the librarians recently decided to check out the entire season together for a two week period. I received Castle at the end of last week so I have one more week to watch the episodes before having to return it. I think I preferred the earlier scheme as I don’t think I’m going to make it through the series in time. However, I’m still enjoying the series quite a bit.

Cute Calvin Moment

  • As I mentioned yesterday, Calvin doesn’t usually cuddle. However, he does have this cute habit of padding up to me and trying to rest his forehead against mine. He starts moving again the instant I try to hold him but it’s still kind of charming.


  • The next folder in line for trimming is “Weld.” However, that’s such a huge folder I didn’t feel like tackling it tonight so I took the easy way out and shredded everything in the “Boulder Music” folder.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with raisins and soy milk
  • Lunch – Leftover Samosa Pie, Kiwi, and 1 piece of Dark Dove Chocolate
  • Snack – Cheddar cheese and a banana
  • Supper – Red Lentil Dal over brown rice, spinach, and cherry tomatoes
  • End of day treat – 2 piece Dark Dove Chocolate