Part of the problem with this daily format is I don’t have a consistent topic I’m talking about. This makes titling the entries challenging. To avoid spending too much time thinking about this, I’m going to pick a title from one of the bullet points I list.
- Calvin started muttering at 5am. He wasn’t really awake, just making a lot of noise and keeping me awake. This isn’t uncommon but it’s still not very restful. He actually woke up a little after 6am.
- Work was stressful as my manager and I are currently having to make some big purchase decisions with only bad options on the table.
- Tuesday is my day to pay bills and balance the credit card statement (yes, I balance the credit card every week, I’m obsessive). I start while Calvin naps and then usually try to finish it up after work before picking him up from daycare. Today the timing worked out and I got everything done in time.
- Calvin had his 9 month checkup today. He seems right on track developmentally. However, I threw the poor doctor off his routine. Dr. S came in and started by asking what new developments I had seen in Calvin. Normally after this, he’ll ask me if I have any questions but today he went straight to the physical check. Being me, I had a laundry list of questions so I started asking them as soon as he was finished. As I suspected, many of my questions didn’t really have right/wrong answers (such as when to introduce peanuts). Dr. S probably spent a good 15 minutes talking to me about the questions. After I finished, he said, “well, let’s get him checked out” and then showed me the growth chart (which he normally shows me at the beginning but hadn’t that time). Then he had me hold Calvin while he checked him out again. I think he was halfway through the physical check the second time before I realized he was doing exactly the same checks he had already done. By then, I figured there wasn’t any reason in pointing this out to him so I just let him continue. All in all, he probably spent a good half hour with us which is probably twice what they had budgeted time-wise. I guess next time I need to make sure to interject my questions before he starts checking Calvin out

- I actually managed to do my ab exercises tonight. Now that I have Calvin, I’ve cut down my exercise routine to aerobic 3 times a week and abs every other day. At least, that’s my goal. However, the last month has been hard due to sleep deprivation from Calvin teething and the holidays.
Cute Calvin Moment
- Yesterday, Calvin discovered that all it took to see mommy while she showers is to pull back the shower curtain. I was hoping that this would prove to be a one-time incident. However, today he did the same thing. It’s pretty cute but means that both Calvin and the floor are sopping by the time I finish. My mom suggests buying a clear shower curtain but I’m not sure if this would help or not.
- Transferred two non-Nalgene water bottles I never use to the thrift store box. The box is filling up nicely but I suppose this means it will need to be taken to the thrift store at some point.
- Threw away my original iPod earbuds as they were falling apart and Jaeger bought me replacement earbuds for Christmas.