Really Pregnant

Originally posted to the anonymous pregnancy blog July 24, 2008.

My concentration has been ruined. From first grade through high school my parents enrolled me in piano lessons. I enjoyed it quite a bit. However, my parents informed me countless times that my payment for these lessons is to play whenever I’m needed. As a result, I now am an accompanist once a month at church. I always have great intentions of picking out my music early and faithfully practicing but somehow this never happens. I play this week and I have picked out my music but the songs are very rough around the edges. I promised myself that I would practice for at least 1 1/2 hrs tonight.

My phone rang about half way through practicing. It’s the doctor’s office with my test results. The Rubella and Cystic Fibrosis tests came back with good results (immune and negative, respectively). In addition, it turns out I’m really pregnant (a hCG of around 900 mIU/ml). After two positive home pregnancy tests and no period this month, I’m not actually surprised. However, somehow it makes it more official when the doctor’s office confirms the pregnancy.

My next doctor’s visit is scheduled for the first full week in August where I’ll get an ultrasound. I had no idea they did ultrasounds so early in a pregnancy . . .

In any case, I’m now too jittery to finish praciticing.