I’m Still Alive

Originally posted to the anonymous pregnancy blog August 16, 2008.

It’s ironic that as soon as I have something worth writing about, I don’t have any time to write. A week ago last Thursday, I had my first official prenatal visit. My husband came along as the receptionist had said that I was going to get my first ultrasound. I haFirst Ultrasoundd no idea they did ultrasounds so early in a pregnancy. We learned that our baby does have a heart beat, is correctly implanted in the uterus, and there’s only one in there.

My morning sickness hasn’t gotten any worse. I suppose I should consider myself lucky. However, I have developed an aversion to vegetables and dark chocolate. Before I was pregnant, I was very diligent in making sure I was eating tons of veggies and huge green salads. Now I can’t stand them unless they’re deeply hidden in some other dish. This is particularly distressing since I have a CSA share and have been receiving large quantities of vegetables. The vegetables have been sitting in my refrigerator glaring reproachfully at me every time I open the door.

Most of this last week I’ve been gone to a conference in Canada. To my relief, I managed to keep my food down the entire time though there were some tricky moments in the airplane coming back. It was a good conference but I’m very glad to be back home.