Working with Calvin


  • Calvin was a little cranky part of the day but it could have been much worse.


  • Calvin started making noises around 5:30am but he didn’t wake up till 7:00am!!! Unfortunately, I kept expecting him to wake up so I didn’t get as much extra sleep as I could have.
  • In spite of having Calvin home today, I did manage to get 4 hrs of work in. I did this mainly by working during his naps which ended up being about 3 hrs total and then checking email and doing piecemeal work. This meant that I didn’t get my exercise in during the normal time. However, when Jaeger came home, he gave Calvin his bath and nighttime bottle and I went for a brief walk. It wasn’t as intense as my normal workout but still helped clear my head.
  • Oh Eve, I’ve missed you. On my evening walk, I started listening to Witness in Death, the 10th Eve Dallas book, by J.D. Robb. I’m always amazed how I can’t stand Nora Roberts’ books but like J.D. Robb (a pseudonym for Nora Roberts). I also vastly prefer listening to this series over reading it. I took a little break for a while but now I’m ready to continue the series. BTW, you can always see my current reading list by visiting my LibraryThing profile. Jaeger and I technically share the account but I don’t think he uses the “currently reading” collection.

Cute Calvin Moment

  • Today Calvin was crawling all over the floor in his typical tireless fashion. At one point he crawled over me and I grabbed his foot and started massaging it. Much to my astonishment, Calvin just lay his head on the floor and let me rub his feet and legs for quite a while. I wouldn’t be surprised if his newfound ability to walk (while holding on to things) makes his legs a little sore and the rubbing feels good. Maybe I should pull out the infant massage book I was given. I gave up on it pretty quickly because he rarely stays still long enough to try it out.


  • More organization in Calvin’s room. I packed up his 6-9 month clothing and sorted his 12 month clothing. I have a distressing variety of summer clothes in the 12 month size but fortunately some longer sleeve items also.