Early Church


  • Calvin only took a 1/2 hr nap today but actually seemed in a pretty good mood in spite of that.


  • I went to bed last night around 8:30 which means I got a solid 8 hrs of sleep! I rarely go to bed late but Calvin often starts making noises around 3:30 and I usually doze after that instead of getting quality sleep time.
  • Since Calvin is now taking his nap later, I took him to the early service at church. The “early service” is a fairly new thing for Boulder aimed at families with small children. It seems to be fitting the demographic fairly well as almost the entire Cradle Roll class was there. After church, we went to Sabbath School and then I fed Calvin lunch before driving back home. I was hoping he’d continue napping in his car seat after I stopped the car but he only slept for a couple of minutes more. I think it was easier to sleep in the infant car seat as it reclined more.

Calvin Moment

  • When visited the park today, I pushed Calvin on the swing. I’ve noticed that most mothers gently push their toddlers to encourage a sedate swing experience. However, Calvin likes going fast and high. In fact, he adores it when I push him up so he’s parallel to the ground (with me holding him, obviously). He dissolves into delighted giggles whenever I do this.


  • Jaeger and I talked about giving stuff away. Does that count? :-)

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – French Toast with Peanut Butter and Maple Syrup
  • Lunch – A toasted cheese sandwich
  • Snack – Homemade chocolate mint ice cream
  • Supper – Asparagus Ravioli, Broccoli, and Bread
  • Evening Treat – 3 Dark Chocolate Pieces