Two Mommies


  • N/A


  • I’ve gotten up early and exercised three days in a row now. Hopefully this is a trend.

Calvin Moment

  • This isn’t actually a Calvin moment but it happened while I was at the park with Calvin. There was a little girl at the park, maybe 4 years old, who suggested that Calvin might like to swing. Calvin did seem interested so I put him in the swing seat. She then asked if she could push him and I agreed and we struck up a conversation. It meandered very kid-like. At one point, she asked me if Calvin had a grandma and I said, “yes, he has two grandmas.” She then inquired about a Grandpa and I again told her that he had two. Then she asked about a daddy and I told her he did have a daddy. Her next question was, “does he have two daddies?” I told her no, there was just the one. The she inquired if he had two mommies. Again, I told her he only had one. She wanted to know why he only had one mommy. I decided that it wasn’t the time to explain my lifestyle choices to a random little girl so I settled for “well, there’s only one of me.” She then asked if there was another one of me back home. I replied no. That appeared to end the conversation about family elements. However, the rest of the conversation was similarly surreal. I wonder if little kid conversations will make more sense to me once I see Calvin’s conversational skills expand.


  • Didn’t get around to anything tonight.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with raisins and soy milk
  • Lunch – 1 Larabar and 1 Cliff Bar
  • Snack – The bars didn’t leave me feeling like I’d eaten so after I got home, I also ate a slice of cheese with Triscuits, a Molasses cookie, some chocolate chips
  • Dinner – Black Bean & Spinach Burrito (it was a leftover fridge combo)
  • Evening Treat – Panda Bar Brownies

4 thoughts on “Two Mommies

  1. Zan Lynx


    The 4 year old girl may know other kids who have two daddies or mommies. Or she may not be clear on where daddies and mommies come from and why there is one of each per kid. The only way she can find out these things is to ask!:)

    Having more of you back at home would be useful, I would think.

    I would like to have more of me to get the boring work done. The problem is that I doubt the other me’s would do it either.:)

  2. Kiesa

    Yes, I could handle another me at home. If nothing else, maybe we could work out sharing of the boring stuff :)

  3. Yanthor

    I’ve been thinking about this post.

    Another possibility is that the child’s genetic parents are divorced and remarried. Maybe at her young age she is bouncing between two sets of daddy-mommy. So maybe she feels like she does have two daddies and two mommies.

    But I think an equally likely possibility that Zan Lynx’s idea is correct is that she doesn’t have a solid understanding of where they come from.

  4. Yanthor

    Another possibility is that she’s used to a nanny – babysitter – big sister that functions as a second mommy. My sister is 12 years older than me and once I could talk I called her my second mommy. They thought it was cute. I said it just because it was obviously true and was puzzled by their reaction.

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