No Daycare


  • Calvin refused to take an afternoon nap today. He sat and alternated between screaming and mumbling in his crib for an hour. Finally, I gave up and got everything ready for a stroller ride in hopes he would sleep that way. He didn’t fall asleep for a half hour but did eventually take an hour nap. Unfortunately, I managed to puncture my tire with vicious stickers and so had to push the stroller the last mile home with a flat tire. The silver lining to all this is that I exercised for more than 1 1/2 hrs today.


  • Other than Calvin’s nap, he was in a pretty good mood today which was good because daycare was closed for an in-service day. In the morning we stopped by a second-hand children’s store and I bought him a couple of books. I was really looking for a tambourine but am having trouble finding one that doesn’t come in a set.
  • Yesterday, a library copy of Blameless arrived for me. I was momentarily startled when I saw it in the library catalog because I thought I had preordered it but apparently I hadn’t. The second in the series had a shocking end so I sneaked a peak at the last page of this book to make sure it wouldn’t end on a horrible cliff-hanger. Reassured, I started reading it last night and am enjoying it immensely. Come to think of it, maybe I decided not to buy it until I could see the ending for myself.

Calvin Moment

  • When Jaeger got home he took the tires off the stroller so he could inspect the considerable damage to the tube. Calvin wanted to play with the wheel and Jaeger inquired if I thought that was safe. There was a nut at one end that he conceivably could choke on but I wasn’t worried as he hasn’t been able to unscrew anything yet. I relayed this to Jaeger so we let him play with the wheel. A couple minutes later I looked up from what I was doing just in time to see Calvin successfully unscrewing the nut. I took it from him just as he got it free. I suppose I should get use to my son proving my wrong about stuff :-)


  • Didn’t get around to doing anything today.

Food Diary

  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with berries and soy milk
  • Morning Snack – Blueberry pastry and the crusts of a peanut butter jelly sandwich (this was Calvin’s lunch but I thought the crusts would be too hard for him to chew).
  • Afternoon Snack/Lunch – Several pieces of Cinnamon Raisin Bread
  • Supper – Haystacks
  • Evening treat – 2 Chocolate Pieces