Back to Routine


  • My weight is creeping up again. A fondness for food and not much time to exercise are a very bad combination. However, now that life is back to normal for at least the next couple of weeks I’m going to work on it more.
  • Around Monday I started having a TMJ flare-up. Not sure why it’s happening now as it usually is triggered by stress. Ibuprofen is my friend.


  • Mom left on Tuesday. It was great having her here but I also like going back to my normal routine. I’m sure I would be a very boring person to observe but I really like routines.
  • I tried something new today. Instead of driving to pick Calvin up from daycare, I walked. It took a little longer than driving but it allowed me to squeeze in almost an hour of exercise. I’m going to see if I can do this on a regular basis. I also was able to do weights and abs today.

Calvin Moment

  • All of a sudden Calvin has an obsession with daddy. He frequently points to the door and says, “daddy?” hopefully. Daycare has asked me to bring in a family picture that they can put on the wall. I was going through pictures yesterday and Calvin excited pointed and said, “daddy!” every time he saw a picture of Jaeger. Eventually, I printed out a couple which he eagerly clutched in his hands.


  • Jaeger did a lot of work in the basement Sunday. However, I haven’t done much recently. I’m just trying to stay afloat.