I have a lot to catch up on so I’m hoping to write several smaller entries over the next couple of days (it takes so long to write anything!) .
Recently I received five books I’d ordered through the library. They are:
In Fury Born by David Weber
Crystal Soldier by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Crystal Dragon also by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas
It Happened one Autumn by Lisa Kleypas
Secrets of a Summer Night and It Happened One Autumn are both books in the Wallflower series. I also have Devil in Winter which I managed to pick up a used bookstore the same month it was published. Lisa Kleypas is the second modern romance author whose books I’ve bought (Julia Quinn was the first).
I’ve already read Crystal Soldier. It was amusing but I didn’t like it as much as some of their other books (such as Scout’s Progress). However, I think it might be a book that grows on me with further reading. Crystal Dragon is the second book in the series. I haven’t read it yet because I mean to reread Crystal Soldier first.
In Fury Born is an expanded version of Path of the Fury. It includes the story in Path of the Fury but also provides significantly more background about Alicia DeVries, the heroine. I enjoyed it but I think I prefer the shorter version. If you like the later Honor Harrington novels, I suspect you’ll prefer the longer In Fury Born.
One book I meant to buy but haven’t yet is Sunshine by Robin McKinley. It’s a vampire novel but I think I like it better than most. It’s just so different from the Laurell Hamilton type novels that seem to be everywhere (for the record, I enjoyed her first couple Anita Blake novels but eventually all the books started sounding the same to me).
I recently finished reading Tinker by Wen Spencer. The first Spencer book I read was A Brother’s Price. I think I enjoyed A Brother’s Price more, probably because of all the gender stereotype flipping, but Tinker was a very fun novel.
I wandered into young adult fiction with Elske by Cynthia Voigt. It was a very enjoyable book. The protagonist is a very practical girl thrust into fairly unusual circumstances.