Potty Training Progress!


  • N/A


  • At the moment, it looks like I’m starting to lose weight again. I scrapped detailing my meals in each entry because I post too infrequently. The purpose of posting what I ate was to have a log I could go back and look at. However, these days I’m not posting frequently enough for this to be useful.Instead, I’ve set up a dedicated twitter feed to log my weight, exercise, and eating habits. This seems to be working better for me because I almost always have an internet connection handy and can quickly log whatever I just did or ate.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin went to the potty today all by himself! Recently, I’ve been letting him run around the house naked from the waist down. Obviously, this approach is fraught with peril. However, I have become convinced it’s the only way I’m going to get him potty trained anytime soon. He still can’t pull down his own pants. Anyway, this afternoon I had left him in the living room with his potty for just a couple of minutes. As I was coming back to the room, I heard him say, “Ma! ma!” and saw him running toward me with the bowl of his potty chair. To my surprise and extreme delight I discovered he had obviously gone on the potty chair and hadn’t gotten any surrounding area wet. I praised him and gave him a small piece of brownie to celebrate. Calvin is by no means potty trained yet. He had accidents both before and after this success. However, I’m still very impressed he sat on his potty without me prompting.


  • Got rid of some weird doodads I had accumulated over the years.