

  • Well, Calvin has a biting problem. Daycare called me Friday morning and told me that Calvin had bitten a child. They didn’t think he was doing it to be mean, he just “plays rough” and was having fun. Then, when I go to pick him up, I saw him being watched by himself in the office. I had a bad feeling which was confirmed when I heard he had bitten the same child in the afternoon. So . . . I’m not entirely sure what to do. He does have a tendency to gnaw on anything in his reach such as a burp cloth, dog, his hand, or, occasionally, my toes. I’ve been watching him carefully this weekend and anytime I think he’s getting ready to gnaw on a person, I tell him no and give him a quick 1 min timeout. However, I’m not sure he’s getting the message. I’m not sure he understands that it doesn’t feel good because he regularly bites his own arm when I move whatever he is gnawing on out of reach.


  • Made dosas with a potato stuffing for supper. The first time was a pretty involved process because I was trying to make a dish I’d never eaten before from an ethnicity I don’t have a huge amount of cooking experience with. However, Jaeger says that my end results were at least moderately successful.

Calvin Moment

  • Last night Calvin found my (empty) work laptop bag. He grabbed it with two of his hands and then walked over to me and gave me a kiss. Then he walked toward the garage door, stopped and turned, and then waved bye bye to me. I’m pretty sure he was pretending he was going off to work. It was very cute.