Book Signing


  • I’m sick. I think I have my first cold of the season. As a result of this, I haven’t had the energy to exercise most of this week.


  • Went to a David Weber book signing last night. It’s the first book signing I’ve been to since Calvin was born. We managed to get a babysitter for the evening and Jaeger and I drove down to south Denver. It was very interesting and I’m glad we went. I’m fascinated by how every author seems to have a different style and format for their book signings. David Weber’s talk seemed more like a fireside chat than anything else. He spent quite a bit of time detailing his projects for the next couple of years. It’s sounds very hectic to me. Weber says that he tends to write about one chapter a day and most of his chapters are 4800-6000 words long. One of the projects he mentioned that I’m particularly interested in is he’s going to start a YA series in the Honor universe featuring Stephanie Harrington.

Calvin Moment

  • Calvin has recently become obsessed with flying things in the sky. Anytime he hears what sounds like an airplane he’ll rush out to our porch and point to the sky hoping to see something. He also likes watching birds and kites but I think he likes planes the best because of the noise they make. We went to the library Monday for our SF book club and I picked up several books for him on airplanes. He particularly likes one titled My First Airplane Ride. As an aside, this book has a weird illustration glitch. On the airplane it consistently shows there being two airplane seats on each side with the child and his mother sitting next to each other. However, toward the end all of a sudden a third seat appears with the father on the end.